Rant. Apologies. The world is struggling with an unprecedented health crisis. One profession sees the pandemic as a heaven-sent opportunity to do something meaningful, stand up for its beliefs and use every resource at its disposal to leave a lasting impression. Advertising is not that profession. Advertising and Marketing are the nadirs of every conceivable value system you can think of. Less useful and more pathethic than narcisstic movie stars singing a song together and arguably about as evil as those terrorists who attacked... never mind... as evil as terrorists. I work in this industry and right now, a million of us have been tasked with thinking about how we can highlight the nobility of the brands we work on. Yup, at a moment in history where we are practically at war against a dreadful enemy that may have already invaded our bodies for all we know, A&M are cooking up plausible ways of making videos, press ads, digital content and other crap that reek of sanctimo...