Dear reader,
Accompanied by stray and wishful thoughts masquerading as wisdom, my 40th year approaches with relentless inevitability. Diwali day feels like an opportune moment to put down some of these fancies; maybe they will cast illumination and bring clarity later.
Today, we received a couple of couriers and it made me sorry for those who have no choice but to work while the rest of the city parties or holidays. Over the years, I've been accused of financial frugality bordering on asceticism. There's no traceable inflection point for this habit; perhaps I simply aped my grandfather who was notorious for saving like a neurotic pack-rat. But, I've come to appreciate rather than question it, as it's given me the freedom to walk away from professional irritation.
The best kind of job is one where you don't face redundancy. I guess that could just as well mean choosing the right profession to target in college. The alternative is to quiver with the fear of a pink slip or staying relevant by adding more skills to your quiver. I'd say it's easier to make this choice as a youngster on the cusp of college.
Keeping all that in mind, I'm past the point where office BS is something to be suffered in silence. Minor quibbles are fine but I simply will not and don't have to put up with anything further. Money is liberating and helps add a dose of calm to life. So, I'm glad I didn't try to live like there was no tomorrow. For people like me, there definitely is, and the dawn sun is often red.
I can't be the first person to be struck by the similarities between going to the gym and being in a relationship. Neglect either long enough and things atrophy quickly. And both need patience and a hell of a lot of work. You will hit a wall / reach a plateau of progress where the easiest thing is to give up. It takes plenty of willpower to navigate the ennui and strive for more. And, it's vital to recognize what you're capable of and decide whether you want to invest further, because the risk is damage. The work can be worth the reward, but it isn't easy.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Enjoy the festival of 🪔🪔🪔 everyone.
Song for the moment: Journey to the light - Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia